Tuesday, August 28, 2012

08.29.2012 Pac-12 Football Podcast

Hotdog & Friends Pac-12 Football Podcast Season Five

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

TwiMs Baseball 8/15/2012

I've always said baseball would be the best sport to care about, because there's so damn much of it.  This year I'm going for it, complete with a controversial "root for two teams" strategy.  I give you, The TwiMs! 

1. The three months that were - developments since the last one of these from three months ago.
a. Mariners. The Bombs went 38-43 (15-11 in July!). Fair to poor!
b. Twins. The Twinkies went 40-40. FIVE HUNDRED!!!!!

2. Ichiro was traded.

a. Othering. Ichiro, you may have heard, is Japanese. Edward Said (a white! Corrected: He is Arabic) wrote a book in 1978 called Orientalism.  The idea in the book is that Europeans subtly portray Asians and Arabs as vaguely effeminate and somehow lacking in culture as a way to justify their subjugation by western powers.  Part of this is reinforcing the idea that THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT LIKE US, because if westerners stopped and conceded that people are people, we wouldn't allow our politicians to send our troops abroad to, among other things, kill their poor. IN THE NAME OF PROGRESS! Or security. Or something.