Friday, May 11, 2012

#FF @horse_ebooks

Twitter is the absolute best.  Here's an account I love:


Premise: I'm pretty sure this is a robot.  There is no thinking being behind this twitter feed.  I feel comfortable saying this is the most important robot twitter feed. This account works by pulling from a cache of written material (I think).

Appeal: I first noticed @horse_ebooks when a bunch of funny twitter feeds I follow kept re-tweeting it.  Upon further inspection most of @horse_ebooks' tweets have 50 RTs and 50 favorites. What makes @horse_ebooks so great is that it constantly pulls out profound non sequiturs.  Frankly, if you aren't well-versed on @horse_ebooks, you're not doing twitter right.

Representative Tweets:

So follow @horse_ebooks, follow @pastimist (this blog!), and follow @warrencb11 (me!)

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